Coming Soon...
A platform where you find right group of people and share the costs of goods
Have you ever experienced when you:
1) Spent too much money on games which you found out you don't like it or you only play it a few times and put it aside.
2) Want to try out more games but they are too costly?
3) Want to share the cost of the games with people who have the same thoughts
ShareChip is here to solve those problems. It is a platform that lets people to easily find the right community that share the same interest of goods/products, and agree to share the goods and the costs together.
Have something in mind and want to share with other users? Post a request on ShareChip platform, it will inform other users within your proximity, and they may want to share with you too!
When there are enough users for a request, money is pooled and held in an escrow by ShareChip. Manager is selected from users based on mutual agreement
Manager purchases the requested product and manages the Sharedule, an online smart schedule for sharing. Money is disbursed to manager from escrow once sharing is started.
Feel free to contact us for further details, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
When ShareChip is ready, we will send you an email for an early access!